read the whole site ken Raines gives lots of detail into woodworth
johnny cip
JoinedPosts by johnny cip
Kerry Louderback Wood will be interviewed...
by AndersonsInfo inon a seattle radio station, regarding the death of the 14-year old jw boy, on monday, december 3rd at 6:05 a.m. pdt / 9:05 a.m. edt.
listen to kirby & company in seattle on 570 am or at .
for those of you who don't know, kerry's essay, "jehovah's witnesses, blood transfusions and the tort of misrepresentation" appeared in the 2005 autumn issue of journal of church and state.
johnny cip
I most likey will be working at the time and can't call in. but loud mouths like MARY and other big mouth posters should call in ( if they can) to open up the publics eyes. but I wouldn't ask anyone here to go against their conscience. john
Seattle radio discusses JW blood policy deaths
by Nathan Natas inthis week a 14 year old jw named dennis lindberg died because he refused blood transfusions which were part of his treatment for leukemia.. this has garnered some unwanted attention on jws from the seattle news media.. there are two of these programs available for download:.
kvi radio thursday, 11/29/07 -
kiro radio friday, 11/30/07 -
johnny cip
Nathan it's such a sad thing that your good work is about such a bad topic. I listened to both tapes and it's sad that some more knowledgeable apostates didn't call in. I'm sure many here could have straightened out the listening public to the teaching of the wts. sorry that only purple sofa ( she did well) was about the only one that had any idea what were talking about. john
I finally spoke to my parents. Best thing I did.
by ThomasCovenant inseveral month ago i finally got up the courage to speak to my parents about the reasons i left the borg.
up until then things were brewing up inside me to the point where i thought i would explode in rage.. even though they were aware of the basic reasons they still had no idea about how angry i was.. friday afternoon i started by asking my mother that i would like to arrange a meeting between the 2 of them and my wife and i to discuss the 't'.
i didn't want to get into detail at this stage because it would be unfair on just her without my elder dad being there.
johnny cip
Thomas nice work. I know how it burns inside, It's great you layed it all out on the table, no much how much your parents say the wt never taught this that or the other thing. they know in their hearts the wts did teach everything they are denying. The one that gets me is that jw's will swear up and down that they don't teach that only jw's will survive armageddon. but they teach it every week. I like how you and your wife worked them for hours. you stood your ground and made them back down some. I hope it all works out and your get respect for telling the TRUTH. JOHN
Apostate of the Month planning thread.
by wanderlustguy inokeydokey, i started communicating with one of the moderators about this, and i haven't heard back yet, but it doesn't seem like there should be an issue if we are nice about this whole thing, maybe it can be fun.. first off, if no one wants to do it, no point.. <deleted by wlg>.
third, the idea is not to raise someone up on a pedestal, but to recognize personal progress and/or the help given to other people, even if it's just creating a pleasant environment.
<deleted by wlg>.
johnny cip
thanks to the admin's here at jwd I know I'm the apostate of the month( at least in my city) b/c I think i spend more time working jw's in the street than most anyone else here, 100 hour a month is weak. I do 100 hours a month talking to jw's face to face easy. I'm one of the few apostate pioneers here on JWD. posting on JWD AND other sites a 1000 times a months means nothing... It's what you do in the street, how many here went out into the streets and taught some jw's what they should know or QUESTION? you can only help a few on JWD. i TRY TO HELP THE MASSES OF JW'S I CAN FIND. TOO BAD THERE ARE ONLY A HAND FULL OF X JW'S HERE ON JWD THAT DO ANYTHING MORE THAN POST ON THESE BOARDS... JOHN
Regional Building Committee decisions boggles even a dubs mind...
by undercover inso i'm talking to someone from my old hall and he tells me that there are some disgruntled jws (including elders) who feel like some bad decisions are being made by the rbc.. for instance, one hall needed a new roof.
an elder, in the construction business, made a deal with a local non-jw roofer that if the brothers cleared off the old shingles, the roofer would come in with his crew and do the new roof for x amount of dollars.
the rbc elder in charge got wind of that arrangement and nixed the deal.
johnny cip
I think this is my last post for the day( I'M RESTRICTED TO 5 POSTS A DAY BECAUSE I CALLED THE WTS NAZIS) But I've been screaming for years that the whole Kingdum hall building/renovations ,wt loans, special box to build halls for the poor in AFRICA. www BOX is nothing but a SCAM. The bottom line is if it don't make $$$$$$$$$$ for the wt society it's not BIBLICAL... LOL HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAA i just stop laughing, at how stupid most jw's are. john
still considering going back to meetings...
by oompa innot that i want to or anything, but this therapist guy seems to think that it would be really helpful to my wife.
he says to pull out the good and ignore what you dont like, and that supporting my wife a bit in this way could be good for us as a couple.
it could also let us have at least some shot at keeping the old social life alive.
johnny cip
oOMPA; if that's your plan i like it. plain and simple. good luck john I just to love to beat up elders till they cry UNCLE...
still considering going back to meetings...
by oompa innot that i want to or anything, but this therapist guy seems to think that it would be really helpful to my wife.
he says to pull out the good and ignore what you dont like, and that supporting my wife a bit in this way could be good for us as a couple.
it could also let us have at least some shot at keeping the old social life alive.
johnny cip
OOMPA; Carla makes about the best reasons for not going back that i read. Oopma it seems to me like every week after you come back from your theripist. that he's talking you into going back to meetings. your doctor is making you feel GUILTY for your FREEDOM OF RELIGION. he's just as bad as the jw's in my opinion. your getting kicked from both sides. I feel sorry for you , but if you back down now the jw's will chew you up... just my 2 cents. john
I phoned London Bethel re Michael Porter / sex offender
by ThomasCovenant ini rang london bethel and asked to speak to someone about the recent case in the british press about a jw child sex offender.
the lady at reception asked if i was a witness.
i replied that i can't see what that has got to do with it i just would like to ask some questions.
johnny cip
Moshe; thanks for bring this topic bttt. talking to the dopes at bethel , is simple, they are even stupider than you local, brain dead pioneer. talking to at bethel is like talking to someone that is back peddling, they have no names,( unless you ask for a certent person) {big turn off} and they know next to nothing. (except what time lunch is being served). J.R. Brown is a HALF A MAN( WITH NO BACK BONE) and will not get on the phone. either he's jerking off under the desk, or he's hiding in the LADIES ROOM. the guys (ass kissers) in the writing dept. don't even know what last weeks WT STUDY IS ABOUT, and the GAStaPO IN the service dept. are a bunch of cry babies once you stand up to them. i really feel sorry for these dopes. thier only hope is to lie enough for free room and board. there is nothing too low for them to lie about. don't ask me how I know...
How Will You Use Barbara Anderson's News to Help Your Witness Family ?
by flipper inso the big "national " news release has come and gone.
it was huge in that this time it definitely hit the ears and eyes of witnesses as well as others who know witnesses, or have relatives who are in it .
on a " national " scale this is a lot of people.
johnny cip
I've been shoving barbara anderson 's work down jw's throats since 2001 along with everything else I know. this is just my topic for this week. I roll all my knowledge about the wt on any topic to make jw's cry UNCLE. and show jw's they know next to nothing about the wts... john